EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Plate of Five Fish from Brazil |
Stock Number FFB703 |
Tharrhias araripis (5)
Age: Cretaceous
Formation: Santana Formation
Location: Ceara Province, Brazil
Size: Plate is 10.5" tall, each fish is about 6" long
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This is a very nice multiple fossil fish. It is a cool plate of FIVE Tharrhias araripis from Brazil. This specimen was recently acquired from the Richard Busch Collection. Busch was the Preparator/Asst. Curator at the North Museum in Lancaster, PA from 1965-1992. The large fish have very nice detail preserved - the fish were fossilized in a concretion, which preserves detail very well. The scale patterns are still present, and the bone structure is easily seen on all the fish. The impressive fish have great dark color, which contrasts beautifully with the light sandstone matrix. This is a very collectible and displayable multiple fish plate from South America.