EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Split Pair Viperfish |
Stock Number AA301063 |
Eurypholis sp. (Viperfish)
Age: Middle Cretaceous
Formation: Cenomanian Layers
Location: Hajoula, Lebanon
Size: Fish is 7.2 inches long!
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This is a rare, split pair example of an exotic Cretaceous fish. It is a large Eurypholis sp. Viperfish from Lebanon. Fossils from this region have become increasingly difficult to obtain due to political unrest. This specimen has wonderful form and fine detail - the bones, tail, and eye socket display beautifully. The fish has dark color and is nicely centered on the rectangular plate of limestone. But, best of all, this fish is a split pair, and both halves are offered together! This is a very uncommon example of a part/counterpart Viperfish from Lebanon.