Ferocious Viper Fish from Lebanon |
Stock Number FFL30 |
Eurypholis sp. (Viper Fish)
Age: Cretaceous
Formation: Cenomanian Layers
Location: Hajoula, Lebanon
Size: Fish is almost 5 inches long
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This is fine predatory fossil fish. It is a complete Eurypholis sp. Viper Fish from the Cretaceous layers of Lebanon. Fossils from this region have become increasingly difficult to obtain due to political unrest. This sleek specimen is a Viper Fish, one of the most predatory fish in the fossil record. The fish is complete down to the individual rays of the fins. The mouth is full of LARGE teeth that are fully natural (unrestored) and unmistakable. The three large scales behind the head are still articulated, which is unusual. The fish is nicely displayed on the large, rectangular plate of limestone. This is a very displayable specimen of this carniverous fossil fish - easily one the most sought-after fossil fish from Lebanon.